I was planning to take a packed lunch out tommorrow and make a day of it.
Instead, I decided to go today, for want of anything better to do.
I got off at Canada Water and out of the station and found myself surrounded by shopping centres and tower blocks on a grim grey day.
Hmmm, not really what I was expecting.
I started walking in a direction that felt right, hoping to come across something interesting to look at other than Pizza Hut, BHS and ugly modern buildings.
After 20 minutes of this completely dull experience I decided to hop on a bus, which took me right back to Canada Walk station. I wasn't about to give up that quickly, so I jumped on any old bus that went around the entire area and on to London Bridge.
I more or less traced the same route that the walk would follow, except it didn't run near the Thames, so I found absolutely nothing of interest to make me jump of the bus. Rotherhithe central near the tunnel had potential, but nothing enticing enough.
I realised that to see what was on the walk, I would need to plan my journey more carefully, getting a map or two - I'll leave it for a sunny day.
This is where luck came into the equation, I decided to just sit on the bus all the way to London Bridge and when we were in the area, look for something interesting.
I found it, big time.
Just to get a sense of perspective on all this :-
Borough Market has survived for 20 centuries, and remains a centre of food excellence. We are looking forward to another 2,000 years of trading!
Pretty damn amazing.
I'm sitting in The Globe having a pint after eating a delicious chicken wrap made from all organic produce and some freebies - cheese, olives, breads etc.
Once again I find the London I've dreamed about, those romantic notions where the local market is next to the church under the iron bridge. It exists and it certainly can't be found anywhere near Canada Water, although if I get the map out, I'm sure I'll find a more appealing side to Rotherhithe.
So, this is me coming to you live from The Globe pub at the market. I shall shortly brave the crowds and search for something for supper - yum !
I'll leave you with a few photos I took this very day, indeed.
Free wireless access here too ! - make a note for your future travels.
I think that I may try and find my way to The Mayflower after this - it can't be that far, can it ?
Blogging on the move - I could get used to this.