I'm getting so tired of this now, how the fuck do you even get a bloody interview in this city ?
Spent the entire morning applying for jobs online, then decided to come into the city to walk around, nipped into The Stone near London Bridge for a quick pint and get a call, more than likely about a potential job - but it breaks up and dies as I'm going outside to get a better signal.
Then the persn just doesn't phone back and worse still, under call register it's listed as (no number), of which there are a LOT here in London (I suspect it's via VOIP or something)
So that pretty much sums up the agencies - obviously there's a bloke sitting with a pile of CV's, he calls, gives you one chance, then - next - and your forgotten about immediately.
Not even the chance to call the number back, because there wasn't one in call register. DAMN IT.
A potential job lead lost because T-Mobile IS A TOTALLY SHIT NETWORK.
erm, ok, I think you get the picture - not good, not good at all.
Didn't help much that Canary Wharf was totally uninspiring, I suppose that's what you get when you visit a bunch of bankers. Perhaps it was the muggy day, but I had no inspiration to explore Docklands much more than a cursory walk around Canary Wharf. Perhaps on a sunny day.
Ended up walking around the London Bridge area, down Cannon Street which has a fantastic view down into the St. Pauls area of the city. If you blank out the traffic a bit, you could imagine the street and view looking very similar one or even two hundred years ago. Now this was more my style, after the ultra modern and souless Canary Wharf.
I also just had the best Cornish I've ever eaten, from a barrow just outside London Bridge station - "West Cornwall Pasty" - got a small one for £1.50 - should've got a large, it was so good.
Still, not enough to cheer me up much - that phone call would have been though !
Ahh well, down the pint, get onto the street and see if I can pick up my email somewhere - hopefully that broken phone call has been followed up with an email. .... 10 minutes later - no it hasn't ...
(Posted outside Starbucks Cannon Street station Monday 31st October 15:03pm , without buying coffee - fuck um, if they want to boot me out, they can)
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