Rather fruity, with a hint of stale tea and more than a twinge of "ode to my smelly socks"
At £2.43 a pint it's certainly a tall order for those not acquainted with the British passtime of drinking flat luke warm brown water masquerading as beer.
To say that it is an acquired taste could be likened to saying that toenail clippings washed down with runny warwickshire cow pats is an acquired taste. However, millions of British people would attempt to acquire the taste regardless of its content, all the time vehemently defending their great beer heritage.
At this point, Germans would suddenly aquire something of their own, a short lived sense of humour as they belly laugh their way around the concept that Britain considers itself a country which brews good beer.
I must admit that half way through this pint I'm rather enjoying it. This can only be explained away by the fact that I would probably try runny cow pat and toenail clippings
(although possibly not warwickshire cow pats) if they served it lukewarm at £2.43 a pint.
Order another one ?
You must be joking mate !
I'll have a pint of reheated diced lancashire sheep poo with a hint of belly button fluff and salted cotswold gravel please.
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