Got myself a desk today. It was built by midgets for dwarfs. It's actually a camping table that cost the pauperly sum of $15 from those unfine betrayers of taste and waste, Argos. It was probably knocked out in a sweaty sweatshop by sweaty asians and then shipped across three of the seven seas by a norwegian captain with a crew of polish deckhands on a liner owned by a greek called Steve, only to be sold to a South African Pommie who will discard it for use by squirrels from Richmond in a back garden in Putney.
As I type, it wobbles alarmingly. (beep beep beep beep beep beep beep - thwack !)
That may just be the consumption of english cider and Japanese sushi from Sainsburys, packed by Irish potato farmers out-of-work-russian wives in an Icelandic fish factory. The cider apples are definately British, but the orchards are worked by Afro-weilding-Americans, overseen by a Mexican with a large belly and a sombrero to hide it.
A veritable global pillage of people.
I haven't read this yet but i have noticed you have the same name as me!
You're the first one i've ever seen.
Take is easy brother Trow!
Mat Trow, Cardiff
Hi there fellow Trow!
Now that's interesting, as not only is Trow a very uncommon surname, to have the same first name is also pretty unusual.
If your middle name was David, then my word, it would be rather strange.
As far back as I can trace, the Trow lineage I come from were centered in the West Midlands, Great Barr area.
Most are now scattered to the four corners of the earth, or have left it!
I think there's another matthew trow in america, as there seems to be more Trows there than here.
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