Thursday, December 08, 2005


My progress in London and further south is getting interesting, at least from a professional point of view.
As I sit on the Basingstoke to Waterloo train, at 20.20 I'm reflecting on opportunities and futures.

It's amazing to be at such an odd crossroads in my life, not really knowing what comes next.
A freedom so different from my younger years, a freedom dictated by the confines of society, so very different to our good blogger Dreaded Outsider.

His current journey is a different path, but one I can identify with to a degree, to seek a space away from the madness of city society and all it's trappings. In many ways, it's a path I'd love to explore as well.

Life is a series of paths that we choose, make or get thrust on us. Advertisers will say "life is a journey" to sell cars, stating the obvious. It's really a series of intertwining journeys often with the most incredible co-incidences thrown into the mix. It's no suprise that the idea of destiny is so deeply embedded in our minds.
Cars crash. Hows that for a journey.

Organised Chaos ?

Humanity, as I get older, gets predictable at the superficial level, but that's as far as it really goes.
The reality is so complex that surely nothing should function. The patterns so varied and infinite it's a wonder that our lives run some sort of ordered path, or is that just an illusion ?

The patterns in a leaf reflect the patterns in the branches it grows from.

Do our lives reflect similar patterns ?

When we think we have it all figured out, our logic is destroyed by the reality of the intersecting pathways of our many journeys.

Our comfort zones can be dismissed in an instant, either through choice or accident.

Enough of the twaddle, best to just get on with the business of living then, have a few drinks, smile, listen to some music.

My only real issue now is my loneliness, but that will change.
It's great to be working and it's interesting to be thrust into an office environment with dynamics I learn day by day.
My age has taught me caution and I proceed in that manner with my dealings in new social environments.

The group of people I'm working with are good people.
It's fun, I'm enjoying it.

The one key thing that I feel bonds all humans no matter where is humour, it's as deeply universal as music.
The moment you share a joke and a laugh with someone, you begin to bond even at the most basic of levels.

Anyway, my interview after work last night went well, I will be receiving a "test" via email which consists of a few photoshop files and instructions on how to proceed to knock together a website from them.

The company aims to be the biggest web dev company in the UK and operate from a series of converted barns on a working farm. Amazing place.

In addition, the company I'm contracting for have expressed an interest in hiring me full time.

I had a chat with the recruitment lady who picked me up at the station to drive me to the interview about driving to the area, she lives in Clapham Junction, close to Wimbledon. It takes her around 90minutes to drive to work in rush hour, which isn't too bad.

If I do land a job this year, I'll have to work out from my earnings on the contract job whether I can afford to get a second hand car. Friends just picked up an old but sound Renault 4 for £500.
With all the usual extra expenses incurred with the purchase of a second hand car, a budget of £650 sounds about right.
It doesn't really matter what type of car it is, so long as it's reliable.