Saturday, July 21, 2007

Security gizmos, lost girlfriends and rain

The bank posted me this odd security calculator.

I'm supposed to use it as part of my online banking security.


The deal is, if I want to do anything other than view my accounts, I need my bank card which slots into the security calculator.

A random number is generated online which is punched into the calculator.
This generates another random number on the calculator.
In your banking account type the number in to verify you are actually the account holder.


It sucks.
It means I have to take the calculator with me just in case I need to do banking at the office, on holiday or stay over at friends or family.
There's no possibility of not using it, no choice in the matter.

If your a victim of card fraud, the bank has to refund your cash.
In other words, this is not a service designed to help the individual, but rather to help the bank.
Just like everything else they do, it's sold as being a benefit for the customer when in reality, it benefits the bank.

Don't you just hate these wunch of bankers?


I lost Cathy this morning, she's at Hogwarts with Harry and chums. She's been gone since 6.30am this morning.
Her body is on the couch, but the mind certainly isn't.

I was given prior warning - come the weekend of the 21st July, a marathon reading session would commence.

Perhaps the smell of roasting chicken and a glass of wine may return her to this world?


It's been raining, lots.

This year, it's a return to the British summer once so famous around the globe - unpredictable sun and showers.

For the last 8 weeks, it's been near impossible to gaurantee a fine day for outdoor events, barbeques, walking or gardening. In the last 48 hours, most of England and Wales have been the unlucky recipients of Julys average rainfall.
The misery of flooding continues.

When the sun is shining, it's warm and humid and a welcome relief - just don't forget the brolly.

1 comment:

Cathy said...

The chicken provided a very nice short term distraction but Harry was calling.... :)