Friday, October 21, 2005

They think I'm a writer !

They think I'm a writer !

Well, wobble me backwards down the off-ramp, I've been called a writer !

What does a writer look like ?
From my limited experience about such things, a writer doesn't actually have a "look"
Certainly an image of sensible clothing with pipe accessories for men and bicycles for women comes to mind, along with heavy jackets, boots and scruffy plaid shirts, specs and wanton sex in green fields or barns seems to be the order of the day, but these ideas can be challenged in the same way that the longest sentence in the history of the world could do with a fullstop.

I suppose a plaid shirt with a black denim jacket containing a hash J as worn by a wildly drunk overweight oddball will have to suffice, I never was very good at naff.

Hold on, there's a problem here, I'm not a writer at all. I have no degree, have never been published ...

I'll just pretend, after all, I have to keep my fans happy ! (all 1 of them)

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